People should not be afraid of the government. Governments should be afraid of the people.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Malay unity sodomy conspiracy
Saturday, 26 July 2008 12:28
The Malay unity talks between PAS and Umno are not something that just sort of happened. They were carefully planned way ahead with the objective of restoring Malay political power and to ensure that the non-Malay ‘immigrants’ would not become the dominant political force in Malaysia.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Actually, there is a lot more sodomising going on in Malaysia than most people realise. The question is: who is sodomising whom? Or are they taking turns to sodomise each other?
The sad thing is, all those involved are Malays who profess the religion of Islam. And some are even from an Islamic political party. They talk about Islam until they foam at the mouth. They say that all Muslims are going to heaven, even bad Muslims who will of course have to serve a short term in hell to pay for their sins before they get transferred to heaven after their ‘sentence’ has been fully served. Good non-Muslims like Mother Teresa, never mind how good they may have been, will all end up in hell because they do not profess the religion of Islam.
Yes, this is the Malay mindset. Do good and you go to heaven. Do bad and you still go to heaven. And if you do bad all your life and repent a day before you die then you will go to heaven. Just make sure you repent at least a day before you die. Then you can escape hell.
Everything about the Malay mind revolves around heaven and hell. They will have this ‘little book’ like a weight-watcher’s book of calories and they measure their deeds with debits and credits. Sure, you can do bad. But just make sure you ‘balance’ your bad deeds with some good deeds. You do a bad deed and you get one debit. But if you know how to work your way around the system, then your good deeds can earn 27 credits. So one good deed can wipe out 27 bad deeds, depending on the degree and ranking of these good-bad deeds.
Yes, it’s all about balancing. And it’s all about punishment and rewards. Malays will avoid bad and do good only if there is a reward system. And the good is done only so far as it can help balance or wipe out the bad deeds. Conscience does not come into play here. In fact, there is no proper or precise word in the Malay vocabulary that is equivalent to the word ‘conscience’. The closest ‘description’ to conscience would probably be hati kecil or suara hati. Even then this is more a description rather than a translation because hati kecil or suara hati can describe other things as well and may not necessarily refer to conscience.
And that is why, of late, we have seen many acts perpetuated by people without any conscience and who feel that one bad deed is not a big deal when one can always go to Mekah to pray in front of the Kabah after the deed is done and this will wipe out all traces of the bad deed. An atheist is good because he or she is good by nature. A ‘religious’ person is good not necessarily because he or she is good by nature but because he or she is a coward and is too scared of hell or he or she wishes to be ‘bribed’ with heaven.
The Malay unity talks between PAS and Umno are not something that just sort of happened. They were carefully planned way ahead with the objective of restoring Malay political power and to ensure that the non-Malay ‘immigrants’ would not become the dominant political force in Malaysia. Part of this plan involved ensuring that PAS would lose confidence in Anwar Ibrahim to the point they would see that their future lies with Barisan Nasional rather than with Anwar.
Anwar is, after all, a traitor to the Malay race (he espouses Ketuanan Rakyat instead of Ketuanan Melayu and he is opposed to the New Economic Policy and wishes it to be replaced with a new, more-equitable, policy) and an American agent (reinforced with the US’ recent statements condemning Malaysia on this latest sodomy allegation against Anwar). So Anwar, the traitor that he is, needs to be destroyed for the good of the Malays.
Did it not make you wonder why it was Saiful’s uncle (or was it his auntie?) and not his father who called the press conference asking Anwar to swear on the Quran that he never sodomised the young man? Why the uncle/auntie? Why not the father? Anyway, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak too swore in front of 900 Umno national and grassroots leaders that he never met and does not know Altantuya. Are the people convinced that since Najib has sworn an oath then he is telling the truth? Or has his oath not changed the people’s minds one bit?
Actually, Saiful hardly knows his father. His father abandoned his mother soon after he was born and the mother remarried. When his mother died, his stepfather also disappeared and Saiful was subsequently brought up by his uncle (or was it his auntie?). And one important aspect in this whole episode is that Saiful’s ‘God Mother’ is Mumtaz Jaafar -- who is Rosmah Mansor’s nominee and ‘bag lady’ in all their clandestine business deals.
Now does that explain why Najib agreed to meet Saiful? Many just could not understand why a busy and important Deputy Prime Minister would want to waste time meeting a university dropout. It is because Saiful is Mumtaz’s ‘God Son’. That was why Najib met him.
Looking at Saiful’s uncle, who looks and acts like his auntie, you can now begin to understand what makes that young man tick. Did the doctor find Saiful’s uncle’s semen specimen in the young man’s sorry butt and that is why the police are not able to charge Anwar? That may explain why the police released Anwar on police bail after the dramatic Hollywood-style arrest just a day earlier.
Saiful’s father is a member of the Malay unity ad hoc committee that was set up to engineer the PAS-Umno talks. Another committee member is the Sapura Managing Director, Rameli Musa, an Anwar ‘crony’. Yes, little did Anwar realise that his ‘best friend’ was setting him up for a fall. Heading this committee is someone from Military Intelligence who I shall not name at this stage.
Yeap, Military Intelligence again. Now can you see why Military Intelligence leaked the information about the official report on Rosmah Mansor’s involvement in the Altantuya murder? It was meant to bring Najib down. And these same people are involved in the PAS-Umno unity talks, which has, amongst its ranks, committee members like Saiful’s father and Anwar’s so-called best friend, Rameli Musa.
Okay, recently, Saiful’s father, who had abandoned the young man way back when he was born, came back into his life. Why, after riding off into the sunset 20 years or so ago, does this father suddenly appear on his son’s doorstep? Simple. He wanted to send his son to meet Najib. Yes, that’s right. Najib thought he was sending Saiful to Anwar as a Trojan Horse. What Naijb did not know is that, in the first place, this young man was sent to him as a plant. Najib thought the young man was God sent and the weapon he could use to destroy Anwar. Actually, he was not God sent. He was sent by the committee to engineer the PAS-Umno Malay unity talks. Najib swallowed the bait -- hook, line and sinker.
And that is why Saiful’s father did not want to appear in public, especially on camera. If his face were to appear on TV then many would probably remember seeing him all over the place. He is not employed of course. His job is ‘brokering’. He is what we would call a Mister Fixit. If you want something fixed, if you want to win a government contract, if you want to set someone up, if you want to meet a Minister or the Deputy Prime Minister, then call Mister Fixit and he will fix it up for you.
The deal is simple. Conjure new sodomy allegations against Anwar. This will get PAS worried and they will start having second thoughts about Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat. Get PAS and Umno to sit down and talk about Malay unity. Let PAS see that their political future lies with Umno and not with PKR, which is going to be brought down by the latest sodomy allegation against Anwar. Tell PAS that Umno agrees to the implementation of Islamic laws in the states they control and that Umno agrees PAS shall be the Menteri Besar (whereas PKR is oppose to Islamic laws just like their other partner in Pakatan Rakyat, DAP).
The architects and engineers of the PAS-Umno Malay unity talks realise that offering PAS the Menteri Besar post and agreeing to the implementation of Islamic laws alone is not enough. They need to also destroy Anwar’s credibility to prove to PAS that its future lies with Umno and not with PKR. Is it any surprise then that the ad hoc committee for the PAS-Umno talks is also the ‘committee to get Anwar’ and that Saiful’s father together with the Military Intelligence are crucial players in this whole thing?
As I said, Malays don’t have a conscience. There is no precise word in Malay that means conscience. Anything goes as far as Malays are concerned. Okay, so they commit the sin of fixing Anwar up on sodomy charges and they sell out the voters who voted for them. But these sins can be washed clean by just going to Mekah to pray in front of the Kabah. And if you repeat these sins after your return to Malaysia you can always make another trip to Mekah and repeat the repentance scam in front of the Kabah.
Sigh…..I just wonder why those Indian Muslims are insisting that the government recognises them as Malays.
Source : Malaysia-Today
So...this is Malaysia !!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
We weep for you, Altantuya
Sunday, 27 July 2008 11:34
That makes us wonder, is the primary objective of the court to seek truth and serve justice or is it to protect criminals who happen to be persons of power and influence?
Kim Quek
The court through out the explosive new evidence implicating deputy premier Najib Razak in Altantuya’s murder case when the sesion resumed on July 23 to hear the summary of both the prosecution and defence after the prosecution wrapped up its case one month ago. Both the prosecutor and defence lawyers – traditional protagonists in a criminal trial – had strangely stood on the same front to block the emergence of this new evidence, which could potentially alter the entire configuration of this murder case.
In rejecting the application by the lawyer representing Altantuya’s family and the Mongolian government – Karpal Singh – to re-open the prosecution case to hear this new evidence, the presiding judge Zaki Yasin said that “the court will only exercise its discretional right to call for any witness when the need arises”.
But alas, the court is already on the brink of deciding whether there is prima facie case, so if this is not the right time to hear this vital piece of new evidence, then what is? After the accused are discharged for lack of prima facie evidence?
The latter scenario is not entirely far-fetched, considering that the only hard evidence – confession of the second accused – had already been thrown out by the court at the early stage of the trial and the court has been drifting rather directionless for one year without a compelling motive and without revealing the authority that prompted the first two accused (who were Najib’s bodyguards) to commit their act.
This is where the new evidence – a statutory declaration by private investigator P. Balasubramaniam revealing astounding intimate details – is considered to have come in at the nick of time to prevent a major miscarriage of justice by casting an important new light on the case.
In fact, it was this desire to see justice done that prompted Bala to present his affidavit at this juncture. Bala was alarmed that the court was about to hear the summary, and yet vital information he had furnished earlier to the police implicating Najib had not surfaced in court. This might therefore result in the court dismissing the case without calling for the defence, thereby exempting the first two accused from swearing on oath to reveal who ordered them to do what.
Through his affidavit, Bala has brought in a new player – Najib. Allegedly, Najib was the original lover of Altantuya, who was passed on to best friend Razak Baginda (the third accused) when Najib wanted to keep a distance from Altantuya upon becoming the deputy premier. Then, in October 2006, Altantuya arrived in Malaysia to press Razak for the payment of USD500,000 as alleged commission for services rendered in the submarine deal in Paris. Bala was engaged to fend off Altantuya.
When Altantuya’s harassment got out of hand, Najib’s aide-camp, DSP Musa Safri, sent the second accused to meet Razak for the first and only time one day before the murder to overcome Altantuya’s harassment. The rest is history.
It is important to note that Bala was engaged to protect Razak and his family from Altantuya’s harassment on an around-the-clock basis for periods preceding and after the disappearance of Altantuya, during which periods Bala was privy to many intimate details as well as witness to many occurrences surrounding the main players. His affidavit was a conscientious account of what he saw and heard over events that actually transpired. It is hence totally unjustified for the court to reject Bala’s affidavit on the ground that it was “hearsay”. In fact, Bala’s affidavit contained many important direct evidences, such as:
* Altantuya’s demand for her alleged commission of USD 500,000 at the Brickfield police station on 14 Oct 2006.
* On the night of murder on 19 Oct 2006, Bala witnessed the first two accused and lance corporal Rohaniza taking Altantuya away in a red Proton Aeroback in front of Razak’s house.
* On the day of Razak’s arrest, Bala was with Razak in the office of Razak’s lawyer at 6:30 am. Razak said he sent Najib an SMS the night before as he refused to believe he was to be arrested, but he did not receive a reply. Then at 7:30 am, Razak received an SMS from Najib and showed the message to Bala and the lawyer. The message read:
“I am seeing IGP at 11 am today ……matter will be resolved… cool”.
* During his seven-day detention (after the arrest of Razak), Bala told the police all he knew including everything Razak and Altantuya told him about their relationship with Najib, but when he came to sign the statement, all parts relating to Najib had been obliterated.
It will be seen that Bala’s affidavit contains evidences of perversion of justice as well as valuable missing links, which should let the truth emerge in an otherwise muddled case.
The government’s response to this affidavit has been most disappointing. It not only failed to set up an independent panel to probe the contents therein as required in any country with rule of law, but not even the police or the prosecutors have shown any seriousness to investigate these alarming revelations. And now the latest, a flat rejection by the court to entertain Karpal’s motion through concerted objection by all participating legal officers who have sworn to uphold the law – prosecutors, defence lawyers and the judge.
That makes us wonder, is the primary objective of the court to seek truth and serve justice or is it to protect criminals who happen to be persons of power and influence? If it is the former, shouldn’t the court have at least postponed the hearing of the summary pending investigations of the affidavit, however slow the investigations may be?
By bulldozing the case forward with complete disregard to alarming signals that justice might have been transgressed in such an internationally inflammatory case is to expose Malaysia to new depth of international disrepute of our already wretched justice system.
And for the family of the victim who was slain in such cruelest of fashion, what can they do other than to continue to weep in silence?
Source : Malaysia-Today
So...this is Malaysia !!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Malaysia's legal pursuit of Anwar Ibrahim is destroying further the country's reputation
source: Asia Sentinel Consulting
by John Berthelsen
July 21, 2008
It is about time for Malaysia to drop the charade. Attempting to convict opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim of forcible sodomy is an embarrassment in contrast with the completely ignored and much more serious allegations linking the deputy prime minister to the execution-style murder of his reputed former girlfriend.
As has been reported widely, two sworn declarations have been filed that raise reasonable suspicions that the October 2006 murder of Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu is tied directly to Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and his wife, Rosmah Mansor. Yet instead of this high profile politician being in the dock to explain himself, one of those who filed a sworn declaration about his actions is about to go on trial for criminal libel. The other was dragooned into recanting his statement before he fled the country.
The courts and the legal system have deliberately overlooked allegations of Najib’s complicity in the Mongolian woman’s murder, and considerable related evidence of massive corruption on his part in the purchase of three French submarines for the Malaysian military - a purchase that Altantuya apparently participated in as a translator. This has been pushed under the carpet repeatedly and now the nation is being distracted by accusations of Anwar’s peccadilloes, real or fabricated.
Mahathir Mohammad, the long-serving prime minister who quit in 2002, had a single ambition - to reach developed-nation status by 2020. But you cannot be a first-world country with a legal system whose main characteristics are shared by the likes of Zimbabwe, Burma and North Korea. Mahathir, of course, bears a major part of the blame for the legal system, starting from his destruction of the judiciary in the 1980s. But what is going on now, six years after he was succeeded by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, is nothing more than the United Malays National Organisation’s manipulation of the system a la Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. This has nothing to do with ideology but with the dubious necessity of maintaining a political party in power.
When the legendary American bank robber Willie Sutton once was asked why he robbed banks, he famously replied: “That’s where the money is.” Government in Malaysia is where the money is, and that is where UMNO intends to stay despite its disastrous March 8 election results, which cost the national ruling coalition the two-thirds hold on parliament it has enjoyed for half a century. There is no better example of this than the submarine and its ties to the murder of Altantuya.
As Asia Sentinel has repeated frequently, according to testimony in the trial of Altantuya’s accused murderer Abdul Razak Baginda, her then-lover and one of the three men accused of killing her, the murdered woman accompanied him to Paris at a time when Malaysia’s defense ministry, headed by Najib, was negotiating through a Malaysian company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd, to buy two Scorpene submarines and a used Agosta submarine produced by the French government under a French-Spanish joint venture, Armaris. Perimekar at the time was owned by a company called Ombak Laut, which was wholly owned by Abdul Razak.
The contract was not competitive. The Malaysian ministry of defense paid €1 billion (RM4.5 billion) to Amaris for the three submarines, for which Perimekar received a commission of €114 million (RM510 million). Deputy Defense Minister Zainal Abdidin Zin told the Dewan Rakyat, Malaysia’s parliament, that the money was paid for “coordination and support services” although the fee amounted to a whopping 11 percent of the sales price for the submarines.
Altantuya, by her own admission in the last letter she wrote before her murder, had been blackmailing Razak, pressuring him for US$500,000. She did not say how she was blackmailing him, leaving open lots of questions.
Myriad questions have been raised by the year-long trial of Razak and two of Najib’s bodyguards for Altantuya’s murder. At every turn, those questions could have been answered by calling Najib to the stand. How could Razak, a civilian and Najib’s closest friend, get the two bodyguards to kill Altantuya without Najib’s knowledge? Najib could answer. How could the record of the victim being in the country disappear completely from Immigration Department records, as was sworn in court? Najib could answer. How could the murderers get their hands on the plastic explosives available only to the military used to blow up her body? Najib could answer. Why did neither the prosecution nor the defense push to investigate a statement made by Altantuya’s cousin on the stand that she had seen a picture of Najib, Razak and Altantuya together at a dinner? Najib could answer.
The statutory declaration of P Balasubramaniam, the private detective hired by Razak to keep Altantuya away from him after their relationship had ended, is so closely detailed that it beggars disbelief that it was fabricated. It makes Najib an integral part of the case, something most of Malaysia’s top government and judicial officials have been seeking to avoid ever since the trial began.
Balsasubramaniam released his sworn statement in the company of his lawyer, which makes it difficult to believe he was coerced. But immediately afterward he was summoned to a meeting with an assistant superintendant of police in Jalan Brickfields, where he was convinced - outside the presence of his lawyer that his memory was faulty. He then signed a statement that his original one had been compelled, and left the country.
In the original declaration Balasubramaniam said Razak told him he had been introduced to Altantuya “by a VIP…who asked him to look after her financially.” Najib, the declaration said, had introduced Razak to Altantuya at a diamond exhibition in Singapore and that Najib had had a sexual relationship with her in the past. Razak was to look after the woman because Najib “did not want her to harass him since he was now the Deputy Prime Minister.”
Is that true? Najib could answer.
Interestingly, according to the document, Razak told Balasubramaniam that Altantuya liked anal sex, which is illegal in Malaysia whether performed with men or women. Anwar might like to make that point to the authorities.
Balasubramaniam also detailed cell phone calls between Najib and Razak in the period after Altantuya’s murder. Did the police check Razak’s phone? Najib could answer.
Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the influential internet journalist, is expected to go on trial for criminal defamation for saying that Najib’s wife was present at the murder. Rather than bringing in Najib and Rosmah to answer questions, they have gone after Raja Petra, who has threatened his own time bombs during his trial. Asked by Asia Sentinel what those revelations might be, he said he would prefer to save them for testimony under oath.
The one truly sad dupe in all this is the prime minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who in all of his sorry reign as prime minister has largely preserved his reputation for integrity despite his fecklessness. Badawi has defended his deputy’s reputation in the face of the fact that virtually all of Kuala Lumpur’s chattering classes have long since become convinced of the couple’s complicity. Unleashing two thoroughly corrupt law enforcement officials to go after Anwar - Abdul Ghani Patail, the head of the anti-corruption agency, and Musa Hassan, the head of the police, who plainly fabricated evidence in Anwar’s 10-year-old conviction on the same offense, is particularly egregious.
This isn’t to say Anwar is innocent. The jury, to use a newly valid cliché, is still out. But compare the two. What kind of priorities does this government have in going after a 61-year-old opposition leader with a bad back who presumably would have had a hard time chasing down a mobile 23-year-old aide, when there is the possibility of finding the true perpetrators of an execution murder of a defenseless 28-year-old mother? This is the behavior of a despotic system with an eye only to its own preservation. The Malaysian people deserve better.
This is BolehLand !!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
True Lies
'Some of my lies are true' - Huey Lewis & The News
Monday, July 7, 2008
New Twist in Malaysia Sex Scandals
By Hannah Beech Monday, Jul. 07, 2008
P. Balasubramaniam at a news conference in Petaling Jaya outside Kuala Lumpur on July 3
Bazuki Muhammad / Reuters
A sex case that is engrossing Malaysia's public and stirring political unrest is getting even more bizarre. No, not the scandal surrounding political opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, who was accused last month in a police report of sodomizing a 23-year-old male aide. This case involves Abdul Razak Baginda — a former aide to Anwar's political nemesis, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak — who is currently standing trial for abetting the murder of his Mongolian ex-lover. In October 2006, she was shot twice in the head and her body was blown up by military-grade explosives in a jungle clearing near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's capital. Charged with actually having killed the woman are two members of the government's security forces who provided security for the country's top leaders.
More Related
- Anwar: Government "Soiling My Character"
- Malaysia’s Political Waiting Room
- Malaysia’s Anwar Makes a Comeback
Ever since Razak was arrested, Deputy Prime Minister Najib has denied any involvement in or knowledge of the alleged murder plot, saying he had never even met his former aide's paramour. But on July 3, Balasubramaniam Perumal — a private investigator who had been hired by Razak prior to the Mongolian's death — claimed in a sworn statement that not only had Najib met the murdered woman but that he had carried out a sexual relationship with her. The private detective's bombshell came at a news conference organized by none other than Anwar, who claims that the sodomy scandal undermining his own political future are the handiwork of Najib.
Then a day later, Balasubramaniam retracted his statement about Najib and the Mongolian. The allegation, he claimed, had been made under duress. Things got even more surreal on July 5 when the private detective and his family suddenly disappeared, according to a nephew who filed a missing-persons report. By Sunday, the Malaysian police announced they were seeking help from Interpol to find them.
All this intrigue has heightened what looks set to be a political showdown between Anwar and Najib. Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, whose ruling National Front coalition suffered its worst-ever showing in elections last March, has already promised to hand over the reins to Najib, although the exact timing is unclear. Meanwhile, Anwar, who was once a Deputy Prime Minister and rising star within the National Front, has vowed that the opposition will seize power by mid-September. He broke with the ruling alliance a decade ago when a power struggle with then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad descended into political farce. Anwar was sacked from the No. 2 job and slapped with sodomy and abuse of power charges. He served six years in jail before the sodomy conviction was overturned in 2004. Now, Anwar says he will be able to gather enough defectors from the ruling alliance to topple the government. If he succeeds, Anwar will become the first opposition Prime Minister in Malaysia's history.
On July 6, as the case of the missing private investigator was taking its strange turns, thousands of Malaysians gathered in a stadium near Kuala Lumpur to protest recent government-directed hikes in fuel prices and to show support for Anwar against the latest sodomy charges. Rallies are rare in Malaysia, and this one culminated in a rousing speech by Anwar, who again promised that the opposition will unseat the National Front. Whatever happens, with two sex scandals unfolding at the same time, it's sure to be a salacious summer in Malaysia.
This is ludicrous !!
Written by Super Admin
Monday, 30 June 2008
The Umno State Assemblywoman from Sungai Rapat, Hamidah Osman, revealed the attitude of these Umno women last week when she insinuated that if you see an Indian and a snake, you kill the Indian first. Yes, that is what she meant.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
"The police are the ones who will determine whether the report is true or not. It is not something that we can determine. He will definitely deny it. That is common for someone who has been accused," said Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
No, Abdullah Badawi was not talking about the people named in the Statutory Declaration (read it here). He was referring to the latest sodomy allegation against Anwar Ibrahim. “He will definitely deny it. That is common for someone who has been accused." Yes, but is this common only to Anwar Ibrahim? Would not Abdullah Badawi, his son-in-law, Najib, Rosmah, Col. Aziz and Col. Norhayati not also do the ‘common’ thing and also deny what was alleged in the Statutory Declaration?
Thus far, everyone named in that Statutory Declaration has denied what has been alleged. But, as Abdullah Badawi said, “He will definitely deny it. That is common for someone who has been accused." And, as Abdullah Badawi further said, “The police are the ones who will determine whether the report is true or not. It is not something that we can determine.”
Hmm….but did not Abdullah Badawi also say last week that he believes his Deputy Prime Minister Rosmah Mansor and her husband, Najib, are innocent? Well, he said this at least as far as Rosmah and her husband are concerned. But when it comes to Anwar Ibrahim he says, "The police are the ones who will determine whether the report is true or not. It is not something that we can determine. He will definitely deny it. That is common for someone who has been accused."
Why did Abdullah Badawi open his mouth and profess Rosmah’s and Najib’s innocence even before the police started their investigation? Will the police now dare announce the opposite to what Abdullah Badawi said, thus embarrassing the Prime Minister and making him a liar, at worse, or stupid, at best?
Abdullah Badawi has already ‘locked’ the police investigation and this will force the police to arrive at only one verdict. It is now impossible for the police to rule any other way other than declaring that the Statutory Declaration is false. That would be the only way to save the Prime Minister’s face and insulate him from controversy, or worse, from criminal charges.
In fact, the move to declare the Statutory Declaration false started very early in the day. The Statutory Declaration was signed on Wednesday, 18 June 2008, and handed to the prosecutors in the Altantuya murder trial the following day. On Friday, 20 June 2008, the Attorney-General lodged a police report on the basis that I had made a false declaration.
How did the Attorney-General know it is false? Again, the Attorney-General ‘locked’ the police. Since the police report was based on a false declaration and since the Attorney-General has said thus, the police will now have to concur or else the Attorney-General too would lose face.
We must remember that even before the Altantuya murder trial started the Attorney-General had announced that only three people and no others are involved in the murder. The Attorney-General had pre-judged the case and effectively ‘locked’ the judge. If evidence surfaces in the course of the trial which points to the possibility that more than three people are involved, the Attorney-General would look very stupid and would probably open himself to allegations of trial-rigging, which is a criminal act.
But then this will not be the first time that the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney-General have been accused of trial-rigging. According to Anwar Ibrahim, he has evidence that the Inspector General of Police and the Attorney-General had fabricated evidence during his 1998-1999 trials. In 1998, the Inspector General of Police and Attorney-General were the investigating officer and prosecutor respectively. Anwar was about to give this evidence to Malaysia Today so that we can expose it when, suddenly, the latest sodomy allegation exploded. Is this fantastic timing and a mere coincidence or something more sinister?
Have no fear, Malaysia Today is here, and once we get our hands on the evidence we will certainly reveal it to prove that the Inspector General of Police and Attorney-General conspired to fabricate evidence in Anwar Ibrahim’s 1998-1999 trials -- unless they get Anwar or me first of course. Anyway, if anything happens to Anwar or me then you will know why we were silenced. But the evidence will definitely not be silenced. It will still surface, with or without Anwar or me. And let the conspirators beware because they will have to face the wrath of the people.
So, I have signed a false Statutory Declaration, have I? Well, then prove it because the onus is on the accuser to prove guilt and not on the accused to prove innocence. And since they made a police report and announced that I had made a false declaration even before launching the investigation, this points to the very strong possibility that the police investigation must ‘support’ what they have said, that I had signed a false declaration. To do otherwise would be suicide, for them of course.
In the meantime, while they figure out how they are going to bring me down and lock me away in the Kajang Prison, I too am working on the evidence that will prove the Inspector General of Police and Attorney-General fabricated evidence in Anwar Ibrahim’s 1998-1999 trials. Let’s see whether they get me first before I get them. Anyone want to make a small wager that I will get them before they get me? This should be an interesting bet don’t you think?
Ooooh….I just love impossible odds. Anyway, while we wait to see who gets whom first, let us look at another subject matter. This was what happened in the Perak State Assembly last week as reported by The Star on Friday:
The first 36 minutes of Question Time yesterday saw opposition assemblymen continuously standing up and asking him for the chance to speak, and raise issues.
One by Hamidah Osman (BN-Sungai Rapat) particularly earned the wrath of the Pakatan Rakyat assemblymen when she asked whether Sivakumar “agreed to disagree” with the well-known fable of whether a snake or a man from a certain racial community should be killed first.
Nga Kor Ming (DAP-Pantai Remis) and other Pakatan assemblymen demanded Hamidah retract her words but she maintained she was merely asking if Sivakumar “agreed to disagree” with it.
Sivakumar let her off with a warning and told her not to bring up anything sensitive. Barisan whip Datuk Seri Mohamad Tajol Rosli Ghazali (BN-Pengkalan Hulu) then asked her to retract her words, and she did.
This reminds me of the statement by the Kampong Medan Umno State Assemblywoman soon after the race riots of almost a decade ago, which saw the loss of a number of lives. She said that the Indians had it coming because they have been arrogant for far too long.
I was shocked when I read the newspaper report quoting this Umno State Assemblywoman. Was she trying to say that it is not wrong to kill Indians because they deserve it and were asking for it? Hell, she is a State Assemblywoman and this is no way for a State Assemblywoman to talk. Endorsing killings of Malaysians, even if they are not of your race but are of another race, is just not on. Even if they are not Malaysians but are illegal immigrants that is still no reason to slaughter them and say that they deserve it.
Why are Malays so worked up and angry about Israeli soldiers killing Palestinian civilians? Palestinians are not Malaysians. They are not even Malays. So why poke our nose into something that is happening so far away in a land we have never visited and to people we have never met? If we have no sympathy for non-Malays killed in our own country why are we so nosy-parker about the same thing in a far away land?
The Umno State Assemblywoman from Sungai Rapat, Hamidah Osman, revealed the attitude of these Umno women last week when she insinuated that if you see an Indian and a snake, you kill the Indian first. Yes, that is what she meant. Hey, fuck you; Raja Petra Kamarudin is not seditious. This Umno State Assemblywoman from Sungai Rapat and that other Umno State Assemblywoman from Kampong Medan (now retired), who both endorse the killings of Indians, are. Go for their balls (metaphorically speaking of course since they do not actually have any). Leave mine alone. My wife has grown attached to them and she would hate to see the government take them away from her for the next couple of years.