Sunday, March 1, 2009

My son's laptop... your handphone!

It's SMART vs. SMUT.

Chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Ahmad Said Hamdan said the titles of the video clips found in his son’s laptop computer were misleading and not pornographic as charged and fined in Australia.

“I can bet with you that it’s something that you will find on most men’s handphones,” he said in The Star.

Prohibited item in Australia, a news website owned by Rupert Murdoch's Fox News group, reported February 08 last year that Ahmad's Said's son Ahmad Shauqi, a Malaysia Airlines co-pilot, was handcuffed to the Adelaide Magistrates Court, and convicted and fined for bringing child pornography into the country on his personal computer.

The three videos classified as prohibited import items were titled "Reped (sic) Virgin'', "10-Year Old'' and "High School Students".

Contrary to what the MACC chief had tried to rationalise, that the titles were misleading, Magistrate Simon Smart ruled that "this material is repugnant and abhorrent - any decent minded person would be so affected by it".

Magistrate Smart added that the rape scene featured a crying girl aged under 18 being forced to have sex with an older male. "These are not victimless crimes - for every video that depicts such a scene there is a victim,'' he said.

Ahmad Shauqi was fined A$5000.00 and had his laptop forfeited to the Crown.

Records entered in the South Australian court show Magistrate Smart had told him the videos were cruel and violent and it was a disgrace that the married father of two had brought the material to Australia. Ahmad Shauqi's wife was expecting their third child at that time.

The magistrate further said people like Shauqi encouraged the market for child pornography.

Moral of the story is: Between the Australian Bench and MACC, who is misleading us? You judge.

Oh yes, stop sending anymore SMS that says MACC stands for Malaysian Agency for Car and Cows. Just mind what's is your handphone, please.

Famous last words... What's in your handphone? Soi Lek or the Port Dickson romp?

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