Sunday, December 25, 2011

Malays will never disappear from this earth: Don't be too sure!

By: Hussien Hamid

From : Malaysia Chronicle

I was in Singapore the last few days for work. Have not been to Singapore for over 20 years. The driver of the taxi that drove me from the airport tomy hotel was Malay. On the ride to the hotel he pointed out that all theland along the coast that was now fully developed was reclaimed land. Hesaid that Singapore could no longer buy sand from Indonesia or Malaysia –so Singapore now buys its sand from Vietnam.

He suggested that maybe the Malaysian government should consider letting Singapore mine all the sand itneeded from the Pahang and Perak river so that floods would not occur asfrequently as they do now – this way Singapore would have their sand andMalaysia gets two strikes against Singapore: Payment for the sand and floodprevention!

I quietly smiled at his logic. If only our politicians couldthink that clearly!

At night I would watch TV as I ate dinner and what I saw on Singapore TVgave me some explanation as to why Malaysia is so far behind Singapore. NoI am not just talking about the physical aspect of development where acomparison between the two countries would be an exercise in futility:Where would you begin?

From Changi airport, the taxis I took, the buses andtrains that I used to the presence of a city confident in its growth andsecure of its place globally, Singapore is everything that Malaysia is not!

Singapore TV is filled with programs that provides you with information ofworld events, knowledge about anything that you would care to know andlearn about and many programs that tells Singaporeans that life out thereis to be lived and enjoyed responsible. No politicians in sight on theirTV. Nothing that would allow any sensible, intelligent Singapore TV viewerto be upset at any attempt by the Singapore government to try and influencethem on matters political.Malaysian TV is pathetic and an embarrassment to watch. Talk show hoststhat are so condescending to their guests that it makes me cringe!

We havecrowds of people being told about the latest government projects that willbenefit them and the nation. What passes for Television programs is inreality government propaganda - pure and simply drivel and unmitigatedspew of useless information that benefits no one – not even the governmentbecause all it does is to turn the thinking viewer against such blatantpropaganda of a BN government desperate to win a coming general election.

I remember one episode where this Malay politician was opening a show orseminar of some sort by unfurling a banner with a giant size portrait ofhimself! It makes me want to spew!What was more disturbing to me is thinking how all this rubbish onMalaysian Television will affect those Malaysian watching Malaysian TV. Ifthat is the only TV they watch then what chance do these people have ofdeveloping into a better human being?

We have been told that we are what weeat…well I think what our government allow our people to watch on TV andread in the media is what we will be: a people blinkered and oblivious tothe world outside.

But as a Malay what saddens me is that the politics within UMNO defines usMalays as we have never been defined before. Before this the Malays sawthemselves as a people who went about their life with a quiet dignitysecure in the knowledge that as a people, they had the respect of the otherraces and felt themselves worthy of being Malays – son of the soils. Moreimportant we had a sense of self worth.Today the ugliness of the Malay persona is now no longer a matter than canbe kept within the confines of family and the Malay community. How can itbe kept from the public domain when Malays are ridicule and laughed at asthey try to walk along the path where others have walked – and in trying todo so they have failed miserably.

Failed because they are ill equipped tocompete on a level playing field with the other races.This is not something that UMNO can sweep under the carpet anymore.Today it is the Malays themselves who have realized the dire situation thatthey are in.

This is what the Malays now know of themselves.There are no great Malay leaders in this country of ours any more. All ourleaders, without exception, has in one-way or another, failed us – and yethaving failed they still insists that their right to remain a Malay leaderis unaffected. The Malay leaders of today are a joke!

The education of our young has not prepared or equipped them to compete ona level playing field against non-Malays in Malaysia and against otherswhen they go overseas. They have failed miserably from their ability tomaster the English Language to their ability to interact and handle theintricacies of living amongst non-Malays.I have been shamed countless times when in conversation with Malay studentsin Australia – not only by their woefully inadequate ability to speakdecent English but more worrying in the blinkered approach to educationwith the ‘them’ and ‘us’ approach to everything – from social interactionsto having no understanding that we must celebrate diversity – not treat itas a threat to our Malay ethnicity, to our religion and to our way of life.That they have failed to do so is painfully obvious to me as a Malay – whatmore to the people they meet.

But ignorance is bliss and these students areunable to comprehend that they are looked upon as an object to be pitiedrather then laughed at. And so these students go about their educationoblivious to their failings. Katak di bawah tempurong!

The Malays can no longer ignored the reality that the non-Malays are wayahead by leaps and bounds in all things Malaysians: Business, Education,civil society and even respect and dignity of their own race.How is this possible when the Malays have complete control of governmentsince Merdeka and should and did have control over all aspects of life inMalaysia?

How is this possible when the Malays have 9 Sultans and numerous Governors as the constitutional head of state?

How is this possible when the Malays numerically overwhelmed all the other races put together?

And yet all this advantages have made the Malays into a people that can nolonger hold their head nobly whatever their circumstances simply becausethe Malay dominated Barisan Nasional government has failed in their muchstated purpose of Ketuanan Melayu.Failed not in the getting of the Ketuanan Melayu but failed in the mannerin which Ketuanan Melayu is used to further NOT The Malay interest but tofurther UMNO’s interest.And therein lies the tragedy of the Malays!

AN UMNO that takes for themselves what should really be for the Malays.And it is in the leaders of UMNO that we see the worst of the Malays acting out what the Malays have now become! These UMNO leaders are the epitome of greed, corruption and thievery of the nations wealth for their own pockets.That the Malays have now lost their sense of pride and dignity because of the misdeeds and abuse by UMNO politicians of the public office they hold is of no concern to these UMNO Malays.

The behavior of these UMNO leaders now mirrors ...... who have long ago surrendered any dignity they might still have and any claims to being Malay leaders by their decadent lifestyle that they lead on the money they get from the Rakyat.Are they Malays powerless to stop their leaders from taking them further down the road of lost respect and lost dignity.

How not to lose respect fora Malay leader like Najib? In fact look at the families of all the PrimeMinisters of Malaysia bar Tunku : Malays all of them: And all of them inone way or the other have profited hideously from the office of PrimeMinister.

And with Najib he goes a step further. The emergence of a wife that thinksthat being the wife of the Prime Minister entitles her to be styled FirstLady of Malaysia!

What these Malays leaders are doing are being aped by other Malays inposition of trust and power – where the getting of wealth by any meanspossible have brought into existence of at least two generations of Malaysthat have been brought to believe that Malaysia owes them a living: ask notwhat you can do for your country but ask what your country can do for you!

Two generations of Malays totally spoiled and weaken to expect somethingfor nothing by a UMNO totally devoid of any interest in furthering theinterest of any Malay what more other Malaysian, other then ofthemselves!

I am ashamed of being Malay. Ashamed because of the deeds and actions takenby UMNO in the name of the Malays.

How can I not be ashamed that a Malay Minister of Defense have seen it fit to allow a good friend of his to profit RM$500 million merely by arranging for the Malaysian government to buy French Submarines?

How can I not be ashamed of these Malay leaders when a Malay Prime Minister– well almost a Malay Prime Minister! – saw it fit to use the people’smoney - to the tune of RM$1 billion - to bail out the shipping company ofhis son!

How can I not be ashamed when a Minister, no less, is sent as ourAmbassador in Washington after being caught out for outraging the modestyof a waitress serving him!

These Malays do more damage to the Malays at large then to themselves.The Malays had Dato Onn, Tunku, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun Dr IsmailAli, Ghazali Shafie …all great Malay leaders whose duty was to the Malaysa nd to Malaysia and all Malaysians!

Who do we have now? Malay leaders whose idea of being great is having thelatest model Mercedes and living in mansions paid for by their thieving ofthe people's money and taking actresses or singers for their wives andmistresses! And the Malay singers and actresses who thinks that these ageing lotharios is a good catch probably defines the materialistic mindframe that permeates too many Malays everywhere.

It pains me to see the Malays like this. It pains me even more when the most concerned of people are not the Malay leaders but the other races who are witness to the Malay fall from grace. The non Malays worry for the Malays more then the Malay leaders because they know that until the Malays are energized to do something for themselves by getting rid of these useless Malay leaders, then they too would have to bear the brunt of the corruption and the rape and pillage of their country by these UMNO leaders.Let us all realize that we are all in this together.

What the Malays are now enduring the other races are also enduring and we can only get out ofthis impasse by working together.The irony that I as a Malay is mocking and putting down my own race is notlost on me. Cutting off my nose to spite my face! For me UMNO has cut ofthe Malay nose a long time ago. PKR is not far behind because here again is a Malay dominated political entity that is run by Malays who presumes it istheir right to do as they please in PKR because they are the leaders ofPKR. If UMNO has cut of the nose of the Malay face then PKR is working onthe ear!

I say all this because it needs to be said. It cannot be ignored that theMalays have now lost their way in a country they call their own. If theycannot see themselves being so then I will point that out to them. If youwant to assail me for being a turncoat to my own race by living inAustralia – let me tell you this. A Malay is still a Malay wherever he orshe is.Open your eyes, engage your brains. Think and ask yourself if you are proudto be a Malay in Malaysia today. I am not. I no longer wish to refer tomyself as a Bumiputra because being a Bumiputra does not make me any more aMalay as a Chinese would be more a Chinese if he lives in China or anIndian in India!

Being a bumiputra is an embarrassment to anyone today because it denotes anunfairness within a society that tells you that birth, race and religionentitles you to being someone else other then what you are not – a firstamongst equal.

Today privileges of birth no longer hold any sway overcivilized societies - be you a Sultan or the son of a Prime Minister.

Everything that you want to be must be earned through hard work and decentlabor. And this is why the position of the Malays in Malaysia have long agobeen compromised by an UMNO government that sees the Malays only as a toolto further their hold on power in this country.But having had power for the last 53 years UMNO has not discarded theMalays - no they still have need of the Malays to win the next generalelections and the next and the next! The question now is whether we Malayswill let them use us anymore!

My fellow Malays look around you and ask yourself why we now like this? Weallow our leaders to engage in gutter politics! They no longer talk aboutextra marital sex as being against Islam – today it is sodomy! Today it isMalay leaders who take second wives without the knowledge of their firstwives. Today it is about using religion to threaten and cowered the otherraces into threading softly in their own country on pain of being brandedanti Islam and anti Malays.

Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia!Let me tell you Malays this. We Malays were never on the world stage! TheChinese were.

The Indians were. Not the Malays. So please wake up from theUMNO induced slumber that our people have been in for so long. Fifty-threeyears to be exact! Our Malay Prime Minister today does not have half therespect the Malay Penghulu used to have in the days when the Penghulus inthe kampongs were leaders of the Malays in the ruralareas.But this I know. As a human being we are responsible for who we are and who we want to become.

Against all odds the Chinese and other races havesurvived in Malaysia. Survived better then the Malays. It is time we Malayscast aside these useless Malay leaders that lives off our ethnicity to onlyfurther their own vested interests not the Malays.They are Malay leaders amongst us now that can provide us with an enlighten leadership to take not only the Malays but also all Malaysians towards abetter Malaysia.

Nurrul for one. But only because she has not had the timeto be what her father and so many Malay leaders have now become : UMNO in their thinking, UMNO in their actions and UMNO in the promotion of no otherinterest but their own. The worry is that given time Nurrul would be what her father is today – a man who held so much promise for the future of ourrace and our country and yet delivered so little. Let us make sure that Nurrul will not fail.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Curse Of The Nation

I have always said Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own people. Now only you can see the effects of his foolishness when the ringgit has halved its value overnight and your economy goes kaput.

Single handedly you have caused hardship to millions of your own people. You have built useless mega projects at tremendous cost to the country.

The telecoms tower in Kuala Lumpur and the highest building in the world show how stupid you are. Not only does it cause massive traffic jam, it has totally no purpose. If you need high ground for telecoms antennae a nearby mountain is there for free. This tower has no purpose from the ground up to 300 metres. The satellites make this totally unnecessary.

A fool and his money are soon parted. The only thing is you are the fool and the money belongs to Malaysians. You make 20% in every project, you have real estate in Japan and billions of shares corruptly acquired.

Your 3 sons are worth 8 billion US$. Where do they get this money? Of course, corruption.

You are known as the Marcos of Malaysia, having enriched yourself to the tune of billions.

You dare to shed crocodile tears during UMNO delegates meeting about the ills of corruption.

Yet you are the most corrupt of all the prime ministers before you. A thief is crying thief and hopes people look the other way. Who dares to say anything when the chief is caught with his hands in the candy jar?

You said wisdom is not the monopoly of the West. So is foolishness. You have more foolishness than most people would believe. Billions are used to build two high rise Petronas buildings that benefit nobody. They now stand tall, a symbol of stupidity and irresponsibility. Instead they just add on to traffic jams.. 

What is this reclamation of 10 islands off Kedah? Totally absurd and stupid. Of course your benefit is 20%. 

And the bridge across from Malacca to Sumatra across international waters? Why not build a bridge to the moon? I am sure you still can get your 20%. You called me a Moron. How can a Moron make so much money. By allowing short selling and borrowing millions of shares from your banks we fund managers made millions out of your
inexperience and poor regulations.

You lose all Malaysians' money, therefore you are the Moron.. Now you know too late and start crying over spilt milk.

In Australia you are known as the recalcitrant ego maniac; in UK the corrupt bastard because of your stupid purchase of our movie studio and the 290 million ringgit Lotus racing car plant and the shady Pergau dam loans from the UK. They are useless to us and you still want to buy them.

What about buying British reject submarines through your agent, of course. The agent/ broker is designed to make millions out of the Malaysian government..

Your purchase of our battleships is at least 50% more than others are paying. Your purchase of 9 hospitals from UK lock, stock and barrel does not support your local architects or your industry and the British send you obsolete medical equipment. The design is atrocious, one end to the other is half a kilometer and there is no CT-scan, an absolute necessity.

In the UK your face appears in no less than 17 newspapers as a corrupt dictator. In Malaysia you are known as the (IBM) International Big Mouth. In Japan they call you the 'smallest one' (brain size).

In Pacific islands, the Santa Claus (giving advice left and right). In south America they call you the parrot (he talks a lot but does not know what it is about). In Manila the living Marcos.

In Malaysia they are spending millions to lure tourists and you talk rubbish scaring every foreigner away. When he is dumb he is doubted a fool, when he opens his mouth it removes all doubt."

While I agree the West does not have the monopoly to wisdom, your actions are not the wisest either. Your EAEC has totally no support even in Asean. Your South-South dialogue meets with the same fate and what is this I hear of the Bridge from Peninsula Malaysia to Sumatra covering 20 miles across International shipping lane?

How crazy can one get? Even the Japanese don't have the money.

This world's stupidity seems to be concentrated in one man's mind - yours.

The multimedia super corridor - MSC -. Well in USA its Most Stupid Concept because we Americans, would have thought of it light years before. Even if it makes money, we can copy this concept can't we?

Why do you want to spend your hard-earned money doing questionable projects? It will be like the Bakun project. Abandoned fund wasted and another white elephant. I always say politicians should not be involved in business. Your ministers are also businessmen and almost every official is enriching himself. Look at Rafidah Aziz, selling thousands of Approved Permits (APs) for cars each worth 20-30 thousand Malaysian dollars. Why not your government sell them and make the money? She has acquired millions of shares meant for bumis for free before she agrees to list them.

Look at your Selangor Chief Minister collecting millions for approving high rise buildings from businessman. He is worth a few billions. Unfortunately he was caught with a few million pocket money in Australia. Every Chief minister is awarding useless projects to his cronies then collecting secret pay offs on the side. The Land Development Boards and the Economic Development Boards are used to bail out any loses suffered by politicians. The profits they keep, the loses they force the Government bodies to absorb. How can your poor ever close the gap when every good deal is snatched by your politicians? How can your country get out of poverty if all the billions of corruption money is taken out of the country?

Look at the Sarawak Chief Minister selling billions worth of timber concessions under the table; selling every piece of state land to businessmen without tender; using his own companies to obtain lucrative government contracts; selling approval signatures for a fee 'you pay I approve'. He has 8 billion US stashed overseas. Thousands of acres of land are given to one or two companies while thousands of poor people still live in cardboard makeshift homes; have no water and shit into the river.

Thousands of acres of land are sold to companies for plantations while the natives do not have even one acre to their name. He is selling sand near the beaches to one company for earth filling and then ask the government to spend millions to protect the coastline when erosion occurs.

He lost 300 million of the Sarawak government money trying to make computer chips. He has built a port in Northern Sarawak town in water so shallow it needs dredging every year. The Prime Minister built highways without tender, your cronies get the deal and the price double. Your Langkawi airport runway was built double the cost by your own company, Ekran.

The Malaysian nation has lost at least 30 billions during your last 10 years of corrupt rule. One billion lost from the purchase of phantom Skyhawk war planes nobody has ever seen (are they still in the Nevada desert, USA?). 

3 billion lost from the London tin scandal (you thought you could corner the London tin market without knowing the Americans have a stockpile! Stupidity at its best. 

6 billion Perwaja steel mill where nobody even knows where the money goes, 3 billion bank Bumiputra scandal when George Tan bribed all the bank officials to lend him the money.

6 billion forex lost by Bank Negara (the fool and his money are soon parted) and 6 billion to build three of the world's tallest buildings (built by Japanese and Koreans and furniture imported from France - not Malaysia) and 1 billion lost from purchase of British warships including fees paid to the broker and under the table..

Add the 10 billion you stole and 5 billion taken by Ministers.

In the 1997 the World Journalists meeting voted Dr Mahathir the Prime Minister of the Decade. It sounded strange to everybody until it was revealed those who voted against are threatened by IRD officers and with losing their jobs. In New York the United Nations 1997 meeting, the most corrupt Prime Minister of the decade is President Suharto and second Dr Mahathir (Actually Dr Mahathir should take first place but bribed the Indonesians to take honour of Number One.

There are Fifty thousand of your university students not given places in Malaysia but are good enough for places overseas resulting in billions of dollars lost. The British and the Australians are thinking how stupid. Your best students are sent overseas raising their standards while as in most countries the best are kept in local universities and the rejects sent overseas..A university student in Hong Kong is much more prestigious than any Australian counterpart.

You have been colonised by the British so long you cannot even educate your own people. Look at Hong Kong or Singapore, less than 5% study overseas. All the money saved. Your country could save billions if every student overseas is recalled to a local university, and at the same time raising your own standards.

Your people are still without shoes, without land to farm, without homes, bathing in rivers shitting in holes in the ground, without water and electricity. Your cities are concrete jungles without greenery and open spaces. Your KL is jammed with traffic.

Yet you still keep on building high rises. You should come down from the clouds and stop daydreaming and firmly plant your feet in the ground.

Your schools are cramped 500 students to an acre and thousands of acres are given free to some politicians who leave them idle.

Your parks are being taken by politicians to build shophouses and every cabinet minister is a land-grabbing businessman who builds roads only to their cronies' land.

The Malaysians' Prayer, "Ya Allah, we thank you for your gifts of timber, oil and grain. But then the devil sent us corrupt Mahathir without a Brain and look we are back to square one again. So just take Dr Mahathir back to Hell And we will be alive and well."

In China people have been shot for embezzling one thousand dollars. With 8 billion you have stolen, therefore you would be shot 80 thousand times. Now you are leading an anti-corruption campaign. We all know what you should do. Look yourself in the mirror. You see the crooked you. Then use your left hand and handcuff your right hand.

You have put the opposition leader and his son in jail when they said in parliament you are the richest PM in the world. And his colleague Mr Karpal Singh too for 2 years.

So I get a reward or bribe if I now say you are the poorest PM in this world? Your 3 sons are sitting on the board of directors of more than 200 companies. They must have been educated in Harvard school of business and obtained distinctions? Or is it "you don't know me, you don't do business in Malaysia" law that applies. Billions of ringgit of Employee's Provident Fund and public Petronas funds are used to bail out your sons who make losses investing in every venture you thought you could make money. How unethical and corrupt. Every one of your politicians is sitting on the board of tens of companies making thousands without any effort, lending their VIP names to borrow millions from local banks without collateral.. 

Now these have become non- performing loans. Now you want 20 million Malaysians to sacrifice for the folly of ONE man? Why not the fool resign and admit he wasted and took most of the money. I could teach you how to put your economy on track but first you must apologize to the Malaysian people.

Chinese are greedy ingrates despite getting the most from BN, says Dr M

Former premier Mahathir Mohamad, himself often described as a megalomaniac, insisted it was the Chinese in the country who were the greedy ones, implying that they were also ingrates for not appreciating what the BN had done for them although they were ones who benefitted the most and not the Malays.

“BN has given a lot to the Chinese. Look at Kuala Lumpur. If not for Khazanah, what do Malays have? We are not asking a lot, we just want our small share,” he told reporters on Sunday.

Opposition leaders have often raked up government data that shows RM54 billion of shares having been distributed to the Malays since the New Economic Policy was launched in 1971. But todate, only RM2 billion remains in Malay hands - a fact that suggest massive corruption by the Umno elite against the working class Malays.

During the years 2000 to 2009, RM888 billion was also transferred out of the country in the form of illicit outflows, according to renowned watchdog body Global Financial Integrity.

However, till now and despite continuous grilling in Parliament, the BN government has failed to give any proper answer. Mahathir's son, deputy Trade minister Mukhriz, even went so far as to condemn the GFI for having ulterior motives and wrongful computation. He declared there was no need to investigate the GFI report despite calls from prominent citizens and civil rights groups.

Still in attack mode after all these years

The 85-year old Mahathir ruled the country with a fist of iron for 22 years, retiring only in 2003 but still wields significant influence in Umno, where he is the acknowledged leader of the conservative right-wing Malay nationalists, who claim to treasure racial and political supremacy.

Due to Mahathir's divide-and-rule policies, Malaysia's multi-ethnic groups have failed to gel together a national unity despite 54 years of independence from British colonial rule.

Just yesterday, two blogs that are widely believed to be funded by him together with Umno newspaper, Utusan, accused the DAP of wanting to set up a Christian state that replaces Islam as the official religion.

The sheer bizarreness of the accusations initially shocked the nation, although by now most Malaysians, including the Muslims, are exasperated rather than panicked.

Many did not know whether to laugh at the farcical nature of the plot or to cry at the sad state, inter-racial relations have deteriorated into thanks to Mahathir and his ilk, including Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali.

Yet Mahathir, true to form, chose to attack rather than defend.

“Chinese are different from Malays. Malays support BN because they can see benefits, of which the Chinese get the most benefits. Chinese are looking to Penang, they want power. That’s why their judgment is different from Malays,” he said.

Wants GE only in 2012

During his time in power, the Chinese gave him their support, choosing routine and safety rather than democracy and standing up for their rights. They also failed to question him for the massive fraud and corruption that marked his administration.

But as the years passed, the situation grew worse due mainly to the racial brainwashing given by the National Civics Bureau or BTN to young Malay graduates and civil servants.

Instead of closing, the racial divide widened and in March 2008, the non-Malays finally gave up on the BN, voting the Pakatan Rakyat led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim into power at 5 states.

The next GE is not due till 2013 but Prime Minister Najib Razak has indicated he wants it much earlier. There are signs that it can be as early as June 11 or July 11.

Nevertheless, for reasons of his own, Mahathir is against the idea and has publicly voiced his objection to snap polls, suggesting 2012 instead. The MCA has also said it needed "more time" to prepare for the GE.

Whether Mahathir, who has been accused of squandering at least US$100 billion of taxpayers' wealth, believes the BN needs more time to convince the Chinese to give them a second chance, or he is pushing for more to time to cover his own tracks is unclear at this stage.

“Extremists want everything. Not all Chinese are like that, but you have extremists, same with Malays, even in Umno. Not one race in this country will be able to get 100 per cent of everything they wish for,” the ex-PM continued politicking.

- Malaysia Chronicle

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bishop slams ‘sex on TV3′

Bishop Paul Tan slams the showing of the sex video implicating Anwar Ibrahim to an audience comprising women and children.

altPETALING JAYA: A Catholic Church leader has slammed the showing of a snippet from the sex video purportedly involving Anwar Ibrahim on TV3.

Bishop Paul Tan, who is the president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, denounced the move as an “inexcusable outrage.”

Yesterday, the government-linked TV station had broadcasted a snippet from the so-called part two of the video allegedly depicting the opposition leader’s tryst with a sex worker.

“From the start, a permissive attitude has characterised the attitude of the authorities towards this sordid episode,” said Tan, who also heads the Malacca-Johor diocese.

“Now that permissiveness has led to this outrage: the showing of material that is vile and putrid on public TV to an audience that comprises women and children.

“This is an inexcusable outrage for which the laxity of the authorities in not acting firmly to nip things in the bud is at grave fault.

“No person of conscience can fail to deplore this permissiveness, this inaction in the face of a puerile voyeurism that has now reached a nadir,” he added.alt

Tan urged the authorities to act swiftly and bring the culprits who procured and featured the sex video to book before “evil begets more evil.”

“This permissive attitude, this relativism in the face of evil actions is an obvious contributor to the moral turpitude we see before us.

“Guardians of law and morality cannot afford to equivocate in the face of insolent evil. They must act or society is at grave risk,” he warned.

The second installment of the sex video had come even before the dust had settled on the first part, which was released last month.

Anwar, who is also facing a sodomy charge, had dismissed the video as another attempt by his political rivals to discredit him.

His wife and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail had also denied that it was her husband in the video

Monday, April 25, 2011

What Race Are You?

April 25, 2011

APRIL 25 — An incident took place amidst the “1Malayu, 1Bumi” movement and “using Chinese to subdue Chinese” advocacy.

Two weeks ago, 52-year-old lorry driver Ong Kim Koon saw a road accident on the MRR2 highway near the Tesco roundabout on his way home. A seriously injured Malay couple were trapped inside their mangled car.

Ong stopped and quickly pulled out Zainal Mohammad.

When he was about to return to rescue Zainal’s wife, Rosamiah Hashim, after placing Zainal on a road divider, he was hit by a MPV and dragged for a few metres. The MPV driver then fled the scene.

Together with the Malay couple, Ong was rushed to a hospital.

The couple were in a stable condition while Ong was put in an induced coma and had his right leg amputated.

The MPV driver who had sped off after hitting Ong was reported to be a Chinese.

Ong had been struggling on the edge of death over the past two weeks and his left leg had to be amputated too due to infection. However, the surgery was postponed as his condition was too weak.

His condition deteriorated and he passed away on April 22, 2011.

It is a great story about an ordinary man. Perhaps, similar incidents have taken place in car accidents, fire, flood and other disasters. They might not necessarily make front page stories or attract great attention.

However, when some people are advocating the “1Malay, 1Bumi” movement while some are talking about “using Chinese to subdue Chinese”, I am sad and angry over the incident.

When Ong stopped to help the couple, he did not check whether they were Chinese or Malays. What he saw were two lives waiting to be rescued.

When Ong was rescuing them, he did not consider whether they were Chinese or Malay, he just wanted to pull them out of the car as quickly as he could.

Every single life is precious regardless of race. It is a glorious human nature to view all lives as equally important.

I do not know whether the Utusan Malaysia covered the incident or not and I am not sure either what Mingguan Malaysia columnist Awang Selamat and Utusan Malaysia assistant editor-in-chief Datuk Zaini Hassan would feel when they read the news report.

I just want to ask that under the “1Melayu, 1Bumi” movement, should Ong just turn around and walk away when he found that the trapped couple were Malays?

When Awang Selamat said that the Chinese should not be taken care of, did Ong consider not to rescue Zainal and his wife because they were Malays?

No, of course Ong did not do so as he was a humane Malaysian. He saw no skin colour but life.

One day, if Awang and Zaini are in great need of help, would they ask those who come to rescue them: “Are you Malay or Chinese?”

Similarly, if MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s theory of “using Chinese to subdue Chinese” is justifiable, the Chinese MPV driver would have immediately rushed Ong to a hospital and sincerely apologise instead of speeding off when he found that they were having the same skin colour.

Foolish racial arguments have indeed disgraced the great spirit of Ong. —

The Malaysian Insider

Friday, April 1, 2011

Umno Sexploitation: Eskay, Rahim & The RISDA Connection

Chua Jui Meng

Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:50

The truth is now rapidly emerging of the dirty finger prints all over the fabricated sex video that is seeking to implicate Anwar, the PKR and opposition leader. It is a sordid case of moral bankruptcy, political connivance at the highest level and money politics of which UMNO is the undisputed number one in ranking in the region, if not the world.

According to Syed Azidi, a blogger who writes under the name of Kickdefella, Eskay Shazryl, one of the infamous "‘Datuk T" trio that concocted this sex video, had met up with him, five other bloggers and an "alternative media" news editor to share details of Anwar’s sexual escapades with the select group.

During the meeting which clearly was intended to recruit the blogging community in smearing Anwar and destroying PKR and Pakatan ahead of the Sarawak and national elections, Eskay had said, "I am not interested in politics... I saw Anwar’s presence in Malaysian politics as good for "check and balance."

Eskay also said "I am not from Umno or any other party, but I like it when the opposition is strong so that people’s interests are prioritized".

What triggered Eskay – on his own – and without prompting from anyone in the group to make the claim that he was not from UMNO and that his interests were altruistic? Are these statements from him believable? Are these statements professing admiration for Anwar, and emphasizing that he was not interested in politics and merely wanted to strengthen the opposition the truth or in fact really the opposite?

To most Malaysians, these unprompted statements appear to be a clear indication of not only of a guilty conscience but also of someone desperately trying to prove his bona fides and his good intentions when he had in fact a different agenda.

Sex Video: A Gift and Sign from Allah

According to Eskay, the revelation of the sex video was a "gift and sign" from Allah. It is well known that there are likely to be many other ‘gifts’ that Eskay would have received for peddling the scurrilous and despicable sex video.

Don’t forget that Rahim Thamby Chik, a principal co-conspirator and an UMNO leader with a string of scandals ranging from sexual to politically tainted corrupt deals, is the current Chairman of RISDA, an agency which recently had a RM499 million budget for administrative development and with a very large and lucrative procurement for fertilizers and other agricultural supplies.

According to Mohamad Mahti Abdul Rahim, who was the late Megat Junid Megat Ayub’s bodyguard, and has known Eskay since the 1990’s, Eskay is a Si Kitol, referring to the character in Malay history who betrayed the Sultan of Malacca to the Portuguese for his own benefit.

Mohamad Mahti had been asked by Eskay to recruit the services of ex-special action unit (UTK) officers for the Carcosa screening of the sex video seeking to frame Anwar and had refused to go along. He has now gone on record to say: "I am available if the police or even the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission want to question me. If Eskay wants to sue me, go ahead. I have no worries."

Other Gifts For Eskay and Perkasa?

The benefits that Eskay can look forward to receiving from his political masters have also become clearer from Mohamad Mahti’s other revelations. According to him, Eskay operates five fertiliser factories in Thailand. This explains Eskay’s intimate relationship with Rahim Thamby Chik.

So how does Perkasa come into the picture one may ask? Shuib Lazim, the third member of the Datuk T trio is the Perkasa Treasurer-General. Shuib is also the father-in-law of Rural and Regional Development Minister Shafie Apdal. Shafie Apdal incidentally has a RM6 billion budget at his disposal just for this year alone, a fabulous sum that many in UMNO and Perkasa leadership are doubtless salivating to get their hands into.

This is the opening shot to a new barrage of dirty tricks before the elections. For those dirty political tricks wannabes, the sex video incident is a case study of how you can overreach and shoot yourself in the foot, despite all the resources available and careful attention to presentation and preparation.

The sex video has clearly backfired on UMNO and the Datuk T trio. Even UMNO and Perkasa grassroots supporters (and some leaders) are putting their hands up on their faces in shame at this UMNOwood production. It is a constant reminder not only of how desperate the UMNO leadership and cronies are in their attempt to fool the people and retain power but also of how money politics is at the heart of UMNO’s political struggle and actions.

CHUA JUI MENG is PKR Vice President

(The views expressed above are strictly that of the author and does not in any way represent the opinion of Malaysian Mirror.)

Source : Malaysian Mirror

Harussani has gone loco

Written by  Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysia Chronicle

The Perak Mufti Harussani Zakarai’s freedom to ban just about everything in our lives is perhaps one of the reasons why the Malay youth of today is rebellious, uncontrollable and undisciplined.

If the Malay/Muslim is not allowed an avenue to relax, to enjoy or be creative, and to have a bit of a laugh, he will grow up at worst, to be a miserable old grouch, possibly like Harussani or at best, he will end up non compos mentis.

How on earth are Muslims going to live normally, if they are expected to be swathed in cotton wool throughout his life because the likes of Harussani think the Muslim is so weak and his soul so tormented, that he will be easily influenced by the devil or by the teachings of Jesus Christ?

Harussani and the Perak Fatwa Committee, have decided that the poco-poco dance is haram for Muslims. According to him, the dance has elements of Christianity and soul worshipping.

The Perak Menteri besar, Zambry Abdul Kadir, has agreed with the Mufti and said that all quarters should respect him and not create any dispute on the matter.

Is that it? Will no one explain how the poco-poco is considered soul worshipping? Is Zambry afraid of confronting Harussani over this matter?

A dance today, what then tomorrow? The ridiculous ban on yoga a few years ago already damaged Malaysia’s reputation.

Harussani is the same man who forbade us from going to our non-Muslims friends homes for their festival days. So much for Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s 1Malaysia interaction.

Harussani is the same man who almost caused a near rebellion when he said that the Manchester United football jerseys should be shunned: “Yes, of course in Islam we don’t allow people to wear this sort of thing. Devils are our enemies. Why would you put their picture on you and wear it? You are only promoting the devil.”

He also said that besides the Red Devils, football shirts of Brazil, Barcelona, Portugal, Norway and Serbia were deemed unacceptable because they had images of the cross or had alcohol brands on them.

As expected, Malaysian supporters of ‘Manchester United’, expressed their anger, on the fan’s websites.

If banning the jerseys is what Harussani and his kill-joy clerics strongly believe in, they might as well ban football.

Football, in Malaysia, has almost a religious following with whole families taking a lively interest in the sport. Even the PM went overboard and declared a holiday when Malaysia won a minor game against Indonesia.

If we can’t dance then what about the DVD’s that promote dancing. They will have to go too. What about the music that accompanies the dance?

Why does the austere Harussani, our politicians and a few lawyers, trip over themselves to see who can make Malaysia the world’s worst joke? Why not just place Muslims in straitjackets?

Malaysia does not need people like Harussani. He is neither the voice of reason nor of moderation.

He causes communities to mistrust each other. He almost caused a lynch mob to assemble at the Silibin church in Ipoh, when he allegedly spread a rumour that Malays were going to be baptized there.

Although many Muslims disagree with Harussani, several liberal Muslims/Malays are too afraid or reluctant to damp out the opposing voices of conservatism. These conservatives play on the Malays’ fears by claiming that by doing certain things, they are doomed in the afterlife.

Harussani does not believe in having information made freely available. He certainly does not like educated Muslims who demand answers based on reason.

Most Muslims believe that religion is not just about punishment, but about education. Unlike Harussani, moderates don’t accept having blind allegiance and acceptance of the faith.

The conservatives like Harussani claim to be defenders of Malays and Islam. They dissuade others from expressing opinions that they don’t want to talk about. They feel slighted at any reference to Malays or Islam. They use the police as a tool and various senior politicians as their minders. These conservatives have managed to silence the non-Malays and any Malay who voices disapproval.

Harussani once described former Perlis mufti Asri Zainul Abidin as a “strange person” who had become “arrogant” after Asri completed his advanced studies in Islam.

Harussani condemned Asri’s need to educate people by saying: “How long do you want to educate a person? The country and this world will be a safer place if we have Islamic laws. When I was in Saudi Arabia I felt very safe.”

Perhaps Harussani could do us all a favour and live in Saudi Arabia. He would be safe, and we would be sane.

Source : Malaysia Chronicle

Malaysia’s striving porn & sex industry receives government’s blessing & protection

Although a Muslim country officially, many of the cabinet ministers and ruling BN MPs have sex affairs outside their marriages. Malaysia is a sex-offender Heaven, no doubt about it.

By ManaBolehMalaysia

With the world's economy heading for a tailspin after the 2008 financial disaster and in an apparent bid to keep dwindling GDP growth above 6% to achieve Mahathir's Vision 2020 objectives, word has it that the Malaysian government secretly gave its blessings and protection to the flourishing underground SEX & PORN industry. This came to light with the recent report that UMNO (the dominant ruling party) and PM Najib will protect the “Datuk T” trio who exposed the sex video involving a man resembling the opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, under the Witness Protection Act and Whistle blower Act. The industry always protect its own.

It is evidently clear from the Sodomy-II trial, Chua Soi Lek's (former Health Minister and current President of MCA) sex video to which he admitted he was the “actor”, Altantuya-PM French Sorpene Corruption-murder scandal and Sodomy-I, Malaysia's sex industry (porn, prostitution, massage, human trafficking etc) has the full blessing of the sex-tainted PM, cabinet and his crony corrupted police force.

The current PM has had a string of sex scandals hanging over his head while his Information Minister accused of raping his maid is still holding on to his job. Although a Muslim country officially, many of the cabinet ministers and ruling BN MPs have sex affairs outside their marriages. Malaysia is a sex-offender Heaven, no doubt about it. Money buys everything from child prostitutes to murdering your own wife if she gets in the way of your sexual escapades. Malaysia is the land where the righteous has no rights and the criminals run free and wild.

In Malaysia it is against the law to produce, distribute, possess or promote any kind of sex video; what more to screen the sexually explicit video to invited editors and leading journalists from the mainstream media. The “Datuk T” trio openly admitted to blackmailing the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and his wife, Wan Azizah (President of PKR) to step down from politics or face full exposure. In any democratic country it is unlawful to force anyone from challenging the incumbent with such blatant criminal acts. Yet all three (one a child rapist and another a known “pimp”), had not been stripped of their honorific titles, detained or charged. What other proof do you need?

It would have been a simple task to track down the producer of the illegal video, illegal production venue, the porno stars and camera crew as several permits would have to be issued in the land where an assembly of more than 3 is deemed illegal without a police permit. So far no one has been charged yet.

Instead the Bukit Aman secretariat chief Deputy Commissioner Datuk Ghazali Mohd Amin said the opposition leader (Anwar Ibrahim) was not being investigated as there was no sign of criminal misconduct. In a land where even close proximity is an offense under the Syariah Laws, (resulting in frequent raids, arrests and some false arrests involving foreign tourists), should Anwar not be investigated to prove that he was indeed the actor in the illegal video?

If he is, he should be prosecuted under the Syariah laws as he is a Muslim. If he is not, should his reputation not be lawfully protected by the state from being tarnished?

Instead the PM and his whole cabinet seemed bent on promoting the video and more concerned with the authenticity of the video than investigating the real culprits. Why let a major sex scandal go to waste? This is a golden opportunity to promote 1Malaysia – a 1 stop centre for all kinds of sex (normal, perverse, anal, international you name it, you have it) and you have the choice of recording the sex session for your private pleasure.

Malaysia guarantees NO Prosecution even if you are a high level minister. Better still you get to keep your job and the ruling party ensures you get reelected everytime. Ever wonder why we call for a GENERAL ERECTION every four years with a guaranteed 2/3 majority sexual satisfaction for the last 50 years except the last time.

If this was an isolated breach of morality and legality, a moderate Muslim country like Malaysia could be excused for not wanting to prosecute the Datuk T trio; to keep away unwelcome sex publicity. But then the whole country from the Administration to the Judiciary, to the whole Police force seems quite obsessed with this sexual gross injustice complete with all the media fun-fare.

For the last 3 years, the whole cabinet was fully engrossed with Sodomy II which is still in the midst of a sham miss-trial. In SODOMY II a 65 year old Anwar with a notable spinal cord injury inflicted by the then IGP during his detention in SODOMY I was accused of sodomising (raping) a 24-year old intern (Saiful) who is physically larger and stronger than the alleged rapist.

In SODOMY I Anwar was charged with having engaged in anal sex with his driver (a Malaysian), his advisor (a Pakistani with a PhD) and his adopted brother (an Indonesian). Strangely, his driver who should have been jailed for several counts of perjury for the numerous discrepancies on the witness stand, was not.

Similarly Saiful who suffered no injuries or trauma in the alleged rape, was not charged. He was rumored to have received a large sum of money as did the Driver who mysteriously became a millionaire and a company director after the Sodomy-I trial. Did Saiful meet with the PM months before the alleged rape (for a scholarship despite being a dropout) and just 2 days after the alleged rape purportedly for advice by a traumatized rape victim?

The PM recently admitted to meeting Saiful (the rape victim?) on these two occasions before the purported rape incident after initially denying it. Now why would a deputy PM and later a full-fledged PM be spending so much time with a college dropout on such private matters? Since when does a high level PM-in-waiting meet a low level arsehole like Saiful in private for scholarship matters and for “rape victim trauma consultation”? Anyone believing this would be an arsehole himself.

And to prove public perception right, nothing came out of the scholarship meeting. It is on public record Saiful went for 2 medical examinations on his arsehole 2 days after the second meeting. Could Najib be giving the young Saiful advice based on his own sexual escapades which included the infamous French Scorpene-Mongolian Beauty Altantuya corruption-murder scandal? Definitely not. Were the meeting part of Sodomy-II scandal plot? Definitely yes. The timing cannot lie.

With all the government-sponsored publicity, high level ministerial obsession with sex and porn, and even screening of the sex video at the Parliament lobby, one could be excused for suspecting the government is promoting Malaysia as the centre of excellence for the SEX and Porn Industry. Not only in the production of SEX video itself but also in the procurement of international actors and actresses, in the study of legal and diplomatic loopholes, as political tools, as economic growth engines and as opposition control tool.

No other democratically-elected government in the world could be so badly tainted with sex scandals and still survive unscathed. Has any health minister in the world been caught on camera having illicit sex with a prostitute, resigned and returned as the President of a major political partner in the government all within 2 years?

Has any PM-in-waiting implicated in a multibillion corruption scandal, ordered government's specially trained UTK commandos to nab his pregnant Mongolian ex-lover to be shot and exploded to pieces using military supplied C4, ordered the kangaroo court to release his think-tank advisor who abetted the murder and still went on to become PM?

Yes, nowhere else except Malaysia. It is truly Malaysia Can (Malaysia Boleh).

Source : Malaysia Today