My friend send this to me and told me to do him a favour by letting Malaysia read about our leader.Yea, is little rude but worth to read and fwd it to all of our friends, really ass hole PM and those dog, bastard / idiot are still supporting him!!!
Dearest Prime Minister...
FUCK YOU!! Since the disastrous March 8 elections, I haven't bothered attacking you much. Well, why should I when the Pakatan Rakyat, Raja Petra and your own Ministers are already doing such a thorough job. And oh, not forgetting all the salivating vultures waiting to push you down the UMNO ladder. There's also the issue of this bloody old mamak who used to be your boss... but that's a different story.
I may scorn at your intelligence (or lack thereof), amaze at the voodoo spell your Son In Law has you under, laugh at the blind arrogance of your Government and shake my head at your cluelessness in private, but as far as this blog is concerned, I took a break from whacking you and all that you stand for.
Well it ends today. Coz I'm fuckin' pissed. Like REALLY motherfuckin' FUCK YOU BASTARD sort of pissed, you backwater retard.
Today I spent 2 hours caught in a fuckin' traffic jam coming back from work.. As I sat in the fuckin' snarl watchin' the faces of other drivers who looked like they were ready to break stuff, I realised that how every single fuckin' thing that went wrong today all points at you. Like a fuckin' Night Shymalan movie or finale of LOST, everything is related and all dots connect to spell a FUCK YOU BN.
Realisation hits me that the fuckin' 2 hours of my life that I could NEVER get back boils down to one simple fuckin' fact: The country got it SOOOOOOOO fuckin' wrong in 2004 when they put you as the gaffer of this country. Cibai. How, you ask. Shut the fuck up and listen.
It rained today. REALLY heavy.. As a result, all roads in Kuala Lumpur came to a standstill. Why? Is it because all cars in the capital of Malaysia is made out of paper and will disintegrate in the rain? Fuck no. Everything came to a halt because any downpour more than 15 minutes causes 'flash floods' in the most traffic-heavy parts of the city. As fast as money disappears under Khir Toyo's administration, water levels will rise whenever it pours in KL. Causing many parts of the big city to become inaccessible. And jammed. Filled with angry motorists and stranded commuters.
We have a SMART Tunnel. Which 'supposedly' helps to drain water out during floods. We have public transportation. Which 'supposedly' means less vehicles on the road. We have mega criss-crossing highways littered with toll booths. Which 'supposedly' provides easy access to different parts of Klang Valley.
But that's all our country is good for. Launching something and letting monkeys run it. NONE OF THOSE FUCKING THINGS WORK PROPERLY. Or at all. Is it so surprising? No. When they fuck up the basics like having a proper drainage system so that water does not accumulate during heavy rainfall, what more can you expect? Simply put, heavy rains are beyond our control. How we deal with it is not. Or shouldn't be. Fuck all the talk about 'winning the 5 States back' when you can't even address the problems blowing up in your own backyard one by fucking one. So with the fucking rain causing enough havoc as it is ... then came the fuckin' announcement that effective from 12am midnight, petrol prices will increase to RM2.70 a litre from RM1.92.
WHAT A FUCKING JOKE. They couldn't have timed it better. Only days ago one of the lackeys from the PM's office gave a press statement saying the prices will increase by August. PM himself said before earlier this year that there won't be a price hike. But I guess we all know this is the same guy who CONVINCINGLY DECLARED on Tuesday that Parliament won't be dissolved on Wednesday when it actually did came the day. If he was Pinocchio he could represent Malaysia in pole vaulting in Beijing using his blower only. So right after the Govt assured us that petrol prices won't go up, it did. And the timing of it. Announcing it will go up tomorrow. It's like a man coming into a building shouting, 'HEY GUYS RUN. I HAVE A BOMB AND ITS BLOWING IN A FEW SECONDS'.
The announcement, as predicted, sparked a fuckin frenzy on the roads. Every bloody motor owner drove out all their vehicles to quickly fill up their tanks while it's still pre-hike price. This caused the laws of the jungle to quickly emerge as lines after fuckin' lines zig-zagged into jam-packed petrol stations amidst the blaring of horns and cursing of profanities in a multitude of languages. Snarling, bustling and frenzied traffic from every petrol station overflowed onto highways and unflooded roads already under massive burden of having to carry extra vehicles as a result of other flooded roads which become the link between a tired worker's office to his home. The result?
A FUCKING ROYAL RUMBLE OF ROAD MADNESS which lasted 2 hours for me when it usually takes me 20-30mins to reach home from office.
FUCK THE PETROL HIKE. Unfuckinbelievable jam is but the beginning. Inflation is bound to hit hard at everyone's pockets. Granted the price of oil is escalating globally. Granted the American economy crisis is having some spillover effect to world economics.
But we're a FUCKING PETROL PRODUCING NATION!!! Like Saudi. It's 40cents a litre over there. We're a fuckin nation that produces motherfuckin' oil. OIL!! And yet we're saying we can't do a thing. Simple economics dictates that if you PRODUCE OIL, and OIL prices go up, you GET BIGGER PROFITS DON'T YOU?!?!
Petronas rakes in billions EVERY fuckin' year. Yet the government says it can't subsidies us without major cutbacks in other areas like healthcare and shit. FUCK YOU ALL. Just cutback on the kickbacks and under counter money and we'll have enough to subsidise petrol to be under RM1 per litre.
This is what happens when you take village-like, count-up-to-10-with-fingers fuckers to fill in top posts in the Government and Cabinet. This is what happens when you have a despotic party overstaying its fat stay at the top of the food chain. This is a fuckin' joke I tell ya. First the price of flour. Then cooking oil. Then price of pork. Now petrol.
CIBAI KHEONG KAN LEMA KA CHAO CIBAI. FUCK YOU, you and you. All of you. YES BARISAN NASIONAL, UMNO and the ENTIRE Badawi Administration. This is your encore. GET THE FUCK OUT
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