First of all, Sarawak Headhunter wishes to make it clear that he is only anti-BN Malayans and not Malayans in general. All references to "Malayans" here and in his other postings should therefore be read accordingly.
Sarawak has contributed more than its fair share to Malaya, and the Malayans have messed things up. Not only have the Malayans messed things up, they have ignored Sarawak's contributions and have never even acknowledged the same or shown any gratitude to Sarawak or Sarawakians.
Even worse, they look down on Sarawak as being backward while enjoying and wasting the fruits of Sarawak's natural resources, especially its petroleum. It is as if the Malayans refuse to invite or even allow Sarawakians to sit at the banquet table and eat the food that the Sarawakians themselves have provided. This is of course a typical colonial and feudal mentality and attitude, even if the Malayans may deny it.
Must Sarawakians beg to be let into the banquet hall? Or do they grace the festivities only as performing artistes showing off the purported multi-ethnic culture of Malaysia? Do the Malayans really know anything about the culture of Sarawak and Sarawakians? Do they care or even bother?
Can Sarawakians expect anything different from PKR, a Malayan-based political party whose main aim it would appear is to get Anwar Ibrahim to become Prime Minister of Malaysia?
These are some of the tough questions Sarawakians themselves have to answer.
Sarawak Headhunter has increasingly come to the opinion that the sooner Sarawak parts ways with Malaya the better off it will be. Not even a purportedly born-again Malaysia should deter this from happening. The Malayans will never understand Sarawakians because they are too lazy to make any real effort. Sarawakians have made it too easy for them by allowing them to live the good life at Sarawak's expense, so why should they bother? Enough is enough!
Sarawak will then be in a position to adopt a more representative form of government, along the lines of a Presidential system, where every citizen will have a right to vote for the head of the nation, unlike the present system where a few hundred and at most a couple of thousand people (at the UMNO General Assembly) decide who is going to be the Prime Minister. How will anyone who is not from UMNO or not a Malay get to be Prime Minister? Impossible or only with very great difficulty.
In fact there is nothing to say that even the Chief Minister of Sarawak cannot be elected in this manner - by popular vote. All it needs is a few constitutional changes, which of course we cannot expect the BN government to make and which is why BN needs to be overthrown in the next state elections or earlier.
Sarawak Headhunter believes that Sarawakians should have full control of their own government without having to answer to the Malayans, whether Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional.
Many of the Dayaks (effectively the Ibans) believe that Sarawak's problems can be overcome through "Dayak Unity" and that Taib can be overthrown through such "unity". This is misconceived and they are wrong. Other than for the fact that this idea is not shared by all Dayaks, it also ignores the Non-Dayak races of Sarawak and this is a mistake.
Taib Mahmud and the Sarawak BN government can only be overthrown only through a unity of a majority of Sarawakians, Dayaks and Non-Dayaks alike.
It is also a fallacy to believe that only a Dayak Chief Minister can solve the problems of the Dayaks. What would happen if a Dayak Chief Minister were to behave like Taib Mahmud and get away with it? What would happen if he were to discriminate against the Non-Dayaks? Sarawak does not need this and it would be another disaster.
In reality, it is only necessary for whoever is chosen to be the Chief Minister of Sarawak to be fair to all Sarawakians, irrespective of race or religion. Sarawakians must choose the best man for the job, not because of his race or religion.
Finally, Sarawakians should stop looking to the Malayans for solutions to their problems. The Malayans only know how to create problems, then offer their own self-serving solutions as if they were doing us such big favours.
Sarawakians can look after themselves, and the first thing they should do is to kick Taib and the BN out, and preferably limit the role of PKR in Sarawak.
Sarawak for Sarawakians!
Source : Sarawak Headhunter
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